
Assembly: How to continue “Trough the crisis with solidarity?”

30.11., 18 o’clock at Werkstattfilm, Wallstrasse 24, Oldenburg

Everyone is welcome who wants to work with us and/or needs support, e.g. on the topics:

  • Preventing evictions
  • unaffordable energy costs
  • community organising




Saturday, 12.11. at 14:00 o’clock

main station square in Oldenburg

We demand:

– permanent relief for low incomes
– socially just energy price capping
– affordable housing for all
– ecological & social mobility change


Admitted: We are afraid that:

– Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine continues to escalate
– heating, electricity and food will become unaffordable despite relief measures and the economic crisis will spread.
– there could be a scramble for our accustomed standard of living – with the weakest always falling by the wayside here and around the world.

The relief measures are urgently needed, but currently insufficient because they do not prevent growing poverty and exclusion. In addition, we will have to convince policymakers and many people that there must be more far-reaching fundamental change in many areas of society.

We do not see any solution in seemingly simple answers: nationalistic compartmentalizations only lead to international conflicts. Nuclear power, coal power and liquid gas will not solve the climate crisis. The evocation of traditional family images, homogeneous “ethnic communities” and the agitation against immigration fuel discrimination and prevent solidarity.

What remains for us is to work together on a new way of life: for a solidary, caring, cooperative society for all!

Food, health, energy, education, communication, housing and mobility must be available for all people as socialized common goods!

Financed by the skimming of special profits, property and inheritance taxes, the first steps must be taken right now:

  • socially just energy price capping, public promotion and decentralization of energy production and expansion of renewable energies
  • Expansion of the “Bürgergeld” (citizen’s income) to a dignified livelihood and increase of the standard rate to 700 euros per month for all people living here, refugees and immigrants – without sanctions and bureaucracy.
  • affordable housing for all instead of rent speculation
  • A mobilitychange with speed limits and a “9-Euro-Ticket”, with the dismantling of parking spaces and the expansion of public transport and bicycle lanes.
  • no 100 billion for German rearmament and militarization
  • comprehensive health care and dignified care facilities for all employees and patients – without profit orientation
  • Fair, rural and ecological food production with drastic reduction of the meat industry’s consumption of resources and land.

We want to work together to ensure that no one in Oldenburg has to freeze, have their electricity cut off or lose their home due to the crisis. Let’s take to the streets for these goals on 12.11.22 at 2 pm, station square in Oldenburg and continue to fight together after the demonstration!

Supporters: ALSO e.V., Antimilitarist Project Oldenburg, DecOLonize Oldenburg, DGB Oldenburg-Ostfriesland, Enough is Enough – Campaign Oldenburg, IBIS e. V., Integration e.V., Oldenburger Aktionsbündnis gegen Krieg, Aufrüstung und Militarisierung, Seebrücke Oldenburg, Students for Future Oldenburg, Tantifa – autonome Feminist*innen, United Against Racism Oldenburg, ver.di Bezirk Weser-Ems Verein Städtefreundschaft Oldenburg-Efrîn and other individuals.